Who We Partner With

Medical Centers:

JenCare Senior Medical Center is a family-owned primary and specialty care practice committed to delivering superior healthcare to Medicare-eligible seniors.


Insurance Agencies:


At Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield we understand our health connects us to each other. What we all do impacts those around us. So Anthem is dedicated to delivering better care to our members, providing greater value to our customers and helping improve the health of our communities.



Humana Inc. is a for-profit American health insurance company based in Louisville, Kentucky. In 2021, the company ranked 41 on the Fortune 500 list, which made it the highest ranked company based in Kentucky. It has been the third largest health insurance provider in the nation.



Large and trusted networks. Preventive screenings included in all health plans. 24/7 telehealth plus nurse hotline. 24/7 access to mental health support. Expanded Drug Coverage. Built-in Benefits. Member Discounts. Large & Trusted Network



Cigna is a global health services company dedicated to improving the health, well-being, and peace of mind of those we serve. With more than 180 million customer and patient relationships in more than 30 countries and jurisdictions, we are able to harness actionable insights that address whole-person health and drive better health outcomes.


United Healthcare-

See what UnitedHealthcare can do for you. Explore employer, individual & family, Medicare-Medicaid health insurance plans from UnitedHealthcare.


Exercise & Health Recreation:

Silver Sneakers Program-

From national gyms to local community centers, there are more participating fitness locations available in the U.S. to Silver Sneakers members than there are Starbucks.



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